Monday 24 October 2011

ACW Union army progress so far this week

Progress this week has been reasonably good but not on the Zouave front.

Here is my first batch of 12 Zouaves. They are painted and varnished but require basing. I ordered the Renedra (40x45) bases from the Perry Miniatures website as there were not enough of them in the Zouave box set.

I have really enjoyed painting these plastic models and it was almost a disappointment when I finally started to paint the metal Sharpshooter figures by Redoubt. Up until now I liked the Redoubt miniatures and thought them characterful – now I find them heavy and buff.

Not very Zouave looking but they got painted all the same. A nice regiment of horses ready for some damn yankee riders. The first regiment I painted was a very mixed affair but this batch of horses is all brown. Am I lazy or was I inspired to be lazy by an article on British Calvary posted on Dave Taylors blog ;-?

The Horses were painted in scorched earth then given a heavy wash of Devlin mud. I highlighted the Brown with a mixture of Scorched Earth and Dark Flesh. I would normaly do the bridles and webbing in black or dark brown, but Dave Taylors article steered me in another direction.

Some soon to be riders...

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